Crete Chae clay is hurricane proof! Duet's Dance and Fernando were bolted to the driveway and came through the storm without so much as a scratch.
The studio was jam packed with patio furniture and planters, everything else that might fly away or into a window needed to be strapped down. Days after the storm were spent on massive amounts of yard clean up, removing shutters from windows and putting everything back to it's pre storm arrangement. Studio was basically shut down.
Ian ate a lot of space, time and energy; redirecting my goals for the end of September and all of the start to October.
So my plans took a curve. Mother Nature calls the shots some times and that is ok.
More intense layering of color was accomplished on Nouveau Crane as seen below. She is coming along nicely now and getting some pop.

The plan is to have video time lapse of her coloring layers, the final of three videos in her building process on you tube by the end of the month .
The editing of some images for a coloring book ( in progress) with some of my sculpture sketches and nature designs was a relaxing and enjoyable way to learn more on the drawing program.
So download a free coloring page of the type of illustrations that will be in the coloring book - (The Water's Edge- still in progress.)
Last but not least I managed to get one exhibit packet completed for a show. Not at all what I had planned; if we had been hurricane free my plan was to really focus on Nouveau crane and art project tutorial, project lessons with crete chae. However, the fact my house is still standing and some form of studio work was maintained counts in my book as still managing to be productive.
As promised there is a new single sheet download; this time a recipe for
DIY Epoxy Clay
Another recipe you can make at home with easily attainable ingredients and that does not need to be fired in a kiln to sculpt and finish. Not a recipe for use in making outdoor art, but it can take fine detail imprints for texture. It can also be used to make small molds that you can push crete chae into to create multiples for raised embellisments on furniture, canvas or collage.
It works beautifully for small jewelry pieces if any of you work with jewelry or bead-making and it is nice for raised, carved embellishments on tiles or frames etc- smaller interior work . Never hurts to have another recipe in your repetoire so I hope some of you will try it out and share your artwork in group.
A short booklet, something I could work on during the storm is complete
" Break The Block - creative strategies"